In regard to the current situation about the Coronavirus, we wanted to talk a little bit about our practice, and about the simple and efficient things we can all do. What we think is important for you to know is our cleaning process as health and wellness practitioners who see clients (you) all week long:
– We always clean our tables before and after someone has a session, we use natural disinfecting wipes.
– We wash our hands before and after every individual session – soap and water work perfectly.
– The sheets we use for the sessions are washed with multiple detergent types and the towels we use under people’s heads are replaced with clean ones after each session.
– We have a hand sanitizer available in the studio and will invite anyone coming to the studio to use it.
What we can each do is wash our hands often and thoroughly, keep our hands off our face, and stay home when we feel under the weather. This is also a great time to review our habits around food and sleep in order to keep our immune system strong.
What we ask for from you:
Please bring your own mat for the yoga classes.
Please wash hands before and after class.
If you are feeling unwell or have recently felt unwell, please choose to stay home.
If you live with someone that is feeling unwell, please choose to stay home.
What we hope that we all can remember in the midst of this challenging time is not to come from a place of fear, but from a place of concern for ourselves and our community.